Stefanie Posavec’s Visualisation of the Airwave Study

‘People Like You’ presents an online conversation about Stefanie Posavec’s visualisation of the Airwave study and how work like hers can be useful for cohorts and biobanks.

As part of our Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Collaborative award, "People Like You: contemporary figures of personalisation," Stefanie Posavec worked as an artist-in-residence exploring data science and personalisation through visualisation of the Airwave Health Monitoring Study. Her work can be seen here.

As a part of this project, the People Like You team are inviting people who work with research cohorts and biobanks, people who participate in them, and people whose work focuses on these topics to hear a brief presentation of Stefanie’s method, reactions from some of those who participated in her practice, and a Q&A discussion about how her work might be useful in other contexts. The event will be on November 16th from 18:30 to 20:00.  We hope that you can join us.

Register Here

Programme, 18:30-20:00

Introduction by Helen Ward
Presentation of art by Stefanie Posavec
Response by Airwave team
Q&A Discussion

