Applying to Access the Resource
Data Access Committee
The Tissue Bank operates an Access Committee that comprises the Principal Investigator (PI), the Database Manager, an epidemiologist external to the team, and a representative of the Police Federation. This group generally meets every four to six weeks throughout the year to review applications from internal and external researchers for samples, data, or requests to invite members of the cohort to other research projects ("sub-studies").
To obtain access to the resource, prospective researchers must provide a brief proposal of their project. We may ask for proof of peer review to help confirm that the proposed research is scientifically feasible and ethically sound. The Access Committee will assess the merits of each request to ensure that the research meets the overall objectives of the Tissue Bank, and that the confidentiality and ethical issues commitments made to participants have been fulfilled.
Where the Airwave PI is also a named researcher on the proposed project, he is unable to sign off as Chair of the Access Committee. In this case, following discussion and agreement within the committee, the application needs to be signed off by the Police Federation representative. The PI can take management action to approve a straightforward application outside the committee if it is not due to meet, but in all cases will seek the approval of the Federation representative. Applications will then be presented for information to the committee at a later date.
The Terms of Reference of the Committee are available here.
Application Process
Our preferred application route is via our partner at Dementia Platform UK (DPUK). Alternatively, please complete this form and return it to the Committee secretary at the address on the form.
We welcome research proposals from other researchers and all users will be held to the same scientific and ethical standards.
Data Access Charge
Depending on the complexity of any work required to fulfill a researcher's data-request, a charge of up to £9,000 may be made. Further details on the charges are outlined in the document below.
For any further inquiries on how to access data and samples from the Airwave resource please contact the secretary of the Access Committee, Jennifer Wells.
Information Governance Training for Researchers
In order to access Tissue Bank data, you need to provide evidence that you have completed training courses for data-protection and information security awareness. College employees can use these online resources to obtain accreditation.
Once complete, please provide screen-shots showing that you have passed each test (see MyBlackboard / My courses). When you click on the appropriate course, on the left you should see Results / Grades. It should show when you took the test and your score. Please ensure that the screen-shot includes your name (upper right corner). If you have questions, please contact the AHSC Security Manager.