Data Dictionary, Version 2
Version 2 of the data-dictionary is the revised main document describing the data available from the Airwave Study. The document has been much slimmed-down from Version 1, with the detailed tables placed in category-specific annexes. The data are available at the DPUK portal. We would be pleased to receive feedback from researchers via the usual channels.

Top level data dictionary (version 2). Most of the detail is now in the annexes.

Results of clinic-based measurements and resulting laboratory assays (haematology and clinical chemistry)

This Annex lists the data-fields available from the Airwave Study Tissue Bank absences export.

The treatments and medications dataset is a record of medications (or occasionally a treatment) that participants reported that they were taking at the time of their clinic visit.

The Sample Use Matrix records which assays have been carried out on the sample. We also include columns coding for other data collection exercises that are not sample related (cognitive tests, diaries etc.).

This document describes the results of the follow-up cognitive tests.

This Annex lists the data-fields available from the Airwave Study Tissue Bank APOE haplotypes export

This is a categorised list of all the questions asked of participants in the screening and the related self-administered questionnaire.

Nutritional content of participants diets based on analysis of 7-day food diaries

Methylation analysis of DNA extracted from 930 Airwave participants. This annex describes the pre-processing that took place to create the datasets now available on the DPUK Portal.

This is a document of metadata for cancers arising within the cohort. Because these data were provided under a Data Sharing Agreement with NHS, access is restricted to the narrow aims of the Airwave Study.

These data were collected to establish participants’ basic medical histories. At the time of the rollout, relatively few datasets were available from NHS, so these data important were important in establishing pre-existing conditions.